Sunday, March 22, 2009

Facebook MafiaWars Top Mafia Friend Benefits

Your assigned MafiaWars top mafia get benefits too!

Assign your best mafia members to positions within your mafia. Each position has a unique bonus which can be greater depending on who gets promoted to that position.

Mastermind – Choose a member with many jobs completed to promote to Mastermind to get more experience points from doing jobs. Your Mastermind gains a small chance of gaining 50% more experience when performing jobs.

Wheelman – Choose a member with the Fearless character type and a high level to promote to Wheelman to get a reduced energy cost for jobs. Your Wheelman gains a small chance to perform jobs for no energy.

Button Man – Choose a member with the Maniac character type and a high level to promote to Button Man to get an Attack bonus. Your Button Man gains a small chance to always win fights they initiate.

Bodyguard – Choose a member with many fights won to promote to Bodyguard to get a Defense bonus. Your Bodyguard gains a small chance to always win fights when they are attacked.

Safecracker – Choose a member with many successful heists to promote to Safecracker to get more money from fighting and robbing. Your Safecracker gains a small chance to gain double the money when fighting or robbing.

Bagman – Choose a member with the Mogul character type and a high level to promote to Bagman to get more money from jobs. Your Bagman gains a small chance to gain double the money when performing jobs.


  1. How do I re-arrange the people? There is no way to demote them

  2. Is there any tip for selecting the Safecracker? Safecraker is more difficult to optimize than the other 5 Top Mafia positions.

  3. how do I sort people by high to low?

  4. is there a way to bookmark people who attack me so i can later kick their ass?

  5. Right click on their name, open link in new window. copy URL: Then save the links in a word document for later access or post the link on facebook or mafia wars forum with request for help

  6. What are the max percentages for each one

  7. So.... I'm not 100% sure on this top mafia thing. It appears the way I read it is the people you assign positions, THEY get the bonuses, not you. EX: I assign Don XX as MY mastermind, but I don't get that 4% bonus on jobs, THEY do right? If I was assigned someones mastermind, only I would get that 4% bonus. This is the way I'm reading it and the way it seems to be working. please someone confirm or correct me!

  8. Max percentages are - Matermind 11%, Wheelman 11%, Button Man 11, Bodyguard 11, Safecracker 15%, Bagman 15%.

    The bonus work for you... look at a job with no one in the mastermind spot, then add someone usually the highest level and then look at it, I saw a 30+ exp jump.

  9. How do i know if I have been promoted to a top position in someone else's mafia?

  10. Im level 71 and I still can't promote anyone to buttonman or bagman. Why is this? Is it a glich in my game?

  11. button man must be a Fearless. bagman must be a Mogul.

  12. thanks for this post..! now i know!

  13. this is what u do to get ur top mafia ppl..;-)

    Master Mind: person with high job#
    Wheelman: "Fearless" only (best player choice of the ones that are "fearless")
    Button Man: "Maniac" only
    Bodyguard: person with most fights won
    Safe Cracker: person with high# of heists
    Bagman: "Mogul" only

  14. 5, 2010 at 2:48 AM

    the advantage of being the mastermind, as well as part of 10 others top mafia:
    Ambush A Burmese Army Convoy: Completed

    You gained:
    316 +158 Experience
    2% Job Mastery

    You spent:
    213 Energy

    Job Mastery 88%
