Sunday, March 22, 2009

Facebook MafiaWars Robbing Update Fixed

By spending Stamina you can attack an enemy's property and steal money from the property. Robbing is harder than a fight, as you can only bring a number of Mafia members equal to your Level, even if you have more members in your Mafia.

When a property is protected (denoted by dark blue shields on the image) it has a higher Defense than normal. Each successful attack will remove one shield, damage the property, and reward you with money and experience. When a property is damaged too much it cannot be attacked further. The police arrive to break up the party.

This feature is still in BETA, and is unlocked at level 15.


  1. I am at level 9 and am being robbed blind. I cannot see my property's health or purchase protection until level 15. How lame and frustrating. This sucks!

  2. Join My Mafia:

  3. agree, robbing is crudely implemented, and documentation is worse.

  4. i really love to rob coz i can get more money than just b attacking... ;) I love Mafia wars! :)

  5. This feature of the game although on roughly the right track is crap. How many times would a thief return to the scene of a crime? In real life hes gone, if he tries the same thing a second time he runs a high risk of being caught.

    There needs to be a way of introducing a fair rewards vs punishment system for robbing. A system that rewards the risk taken (i.e. attacking a lower level player vs a higher level player) vs punishment (i.e. simultaneously using Stamina and Energy or introduce a system where you can rob a player up to 5 times and then the police arrest you). I'm level 12 and am being robbed blind by a level 118. Whats their risk vs reward... No risk for them and he gets all my cash and earns experience points.

    As for defending against robbing the little property shields i keep reading about are BS, I'm level 12 and can't add the shields yet so I am wide open! What I'd suggest is that there is a way of protecting your properties through bribing of police. The more cops you bribe the earlier they react. i.e. If you bribe 1 cop they reacyt after the 4th robbery, if you bribe 3 they react after 2 robberies, but the guy robbing you can't know so it adds to his risk.

    Finally, if I can't rob someone they shouldn't be allowed to rob me, if the feature is turned on at level 15, you should only be allowed to be robed after level 15 such that you can put your defensive measures in place.

  6. Im playing Mafia Wars on a few different sources (i.e. Tagged, MySpace, and FBook). While this is a great doesnt make sense that someone who is several levels higher than a player can come in at will (including saving your ID number) to rob you blind. Protecting the property does absolutely no good in this endeavor because they just allow you to restore and come back and attack you again and get more money. There has to be some level to protect your property on a better basis. Such as a looted security system item that causes the robber to either be put in jail (can not attack properties for a period of 6 hours or attack at all - could also not be attacked), they have to pay a fine to get out of jail or gives them a death.

    There is a penalty to every other attack on the game, there has to be one here as well. Otherwise you have to many people abusing this option.

    I agree with April 22nds burglar in real life would constantly return to the same property and rob it 40 times in one day. From what Ive been reading on blogs regarding this feature, this is what is happening on a daily basis.

  7. Im selling all my real estate and just investing in property, they cant rob lots, less money but no robbing

  8. What I do is to just buy Valu-Marts 10 at a time, and not own any more valuable property. When players go looking for who to rob, they usually leave me alone since I just have a bar and 160 valu-marts which earn me over a million an hour.

  9. its sooo stupid. i really hate it. its so unfair..they keep on robbing me. They bookmark me then rob me like crazzzy!

  10. I have been robbed 20 times in a row by someone 3 levels higher than me. They come back every day to rob me and wipe me out. This portion of the game is garbage. I end up in the negative every day.

  11. Im a level 73 with property protection and tons of weapons for defense being robbed blind regularly by a level 71. If I attempt to rob him back I fail every time, but if I attack him I win every time--what gives here? Why can't I rob this sucker?

  12. I'm at level 13 and have just been robbed by a level 149 38 times in a row!!!! He's destroyed my property and took my hourly income down by more than half!!!! I have absolutely no way of protecting my property at this level!!! If you own property, you should have the option of paying for protection no matter what level you are!!!!! I'm a sitting duck!!!!!!!!!

  13. If you're a higher level than someone and have more mafia members how can you fail to rob them? This makes no sense to me.

  14. You grow your family and have family member's settle scores - our family usually buries people alive when they rob our family... :)

    "High ranked stronger family members"

  15. Yeah, I keep having one idiot come back to rob me over and over and over again. Same guy every time. Wipes me out. And it's not like I am really that low of a level (37), but this guy is much higher (117) and has about 10 times the mafia members I have. Wow, he's real cool - guess he must get picked on a lot in real life so he has to go find others on a simple internet game to mess with.

    I am done with Mafia Wars because of this. What was once a fun simple game has become a pain in the neck and it's not worth playing if one player can keep one other player from advancing at all.

  16. they really need to get rid of the robbing feature. They take over a million everytime. Then it costs me close to 3 million to repair it. WTF. Remove the robbing feature. If they wanna attack me and take 1 million, thats ok. Its still less than the cost to repair and protect my properties.

  17. Basically don't buy properties you can't protect. If you're looking at the Marina tourist shops, buy 10 valu-marts instead. It costs about the same, and the return is double. But the real reason, no one is really interested in robbing valu-marts. If you're a level 20 and only have 10 mafia, if you buy a mega-casino, expect it to be robbed.

    I got to level 27 before being robbed once, and it was the moment I bought an office building. Soon after, I was getting shafted all the time, as soon as I could repair properties, they were robbed again within 10 min. I sold the office building, invested the money in better weapons and armour, the rest into smaller properties, grew my mafia a bit, and I haven't been robbed since.

    Small fish in a big pond? Don't act like a big fish.

  18. How is it possible to keep robbing people at a lower level? When I try to rob, I can only rob people at my own level. Is this a cheat in FB but not available in Tagged?

  19. Robbing is a strange sort of payback for some.

    If you're robbed 2-3 times its another player casually burning up stamina points to get rid of them and earn a little XP and cash to level up. (Don't attack/hitlist these people, they're just going through the motions...)

    If you're robbed 5,10,20 times, you've made someone mad. Maybe you attacked them after they accepted a hit on you, maybe you were giving them a little too much attention in attacks or worse... a slap. Now you have to accept that they are going to be coming down on you hard. You brought too much attention to yourself.

    Playing the game "the smart way" is knowing who to pick fights with and how to lay low when you've pissed someone off.

    If you're in this situation and you're say... a L-45 player and a L-125 player is robbing you blind here are some tips...

    1.) Don't repair the properties for a week or so. If the robber can't get anything from that property they'll get bored and move on...

    2.) You still earn 30% with the property even if it has a "police line" on it so don't sell it off just yet.

    3.) Lay low yourself. Don't stir up more trouble by attacking or hitlisting the person or slapping them again and they'll cool down on move onto more interesting targets especially if your property is in dis-repair and they gain nothing from you.


  20. Join My Mafia:

  21. The robbing sucks. It is just a way for some people who don't like to do any jobs to ruin everyone else's fun. I hate it. I am actually considering stopping playing Mafia Wars, which I think is a lot of fun otherwise, because I cannot stand seeing my stuff get ruined four or five times a day. I can't "afford" to keep fixing it and re-protecting it...which obviously does not work anyway. Unprovoked, I don't rob people, and they rip me off constantly. Hate it. I wish the robbing thing were simply not there.

  22. Godfather -> Buy a new name for 15

  23. i agree
    robbing is not fair
    one guy robs me all of the time. i then attack and beat him, i try to rob him after i have beaten him, and ii cannot. he than robs me again!
    something is wrong here!

  24. The only "real" defence for being left alone (eg. not being attacked or robbed) cuz i am a Maniac and all i do is jobs and for my 7 days of playing i am 49 lvl and i was left alone. First thing i've done is to master Street thug and when you have the title "Master Street Thug" people are leaving you in general , cuz they thing you're stroong and i have like 1 attack 2 defence 107 life and 390 energy. Facts are clear i haven't being robbed and/or attacked a single time and i am just leveling up. I have like 7 casinos and 12 hotels and no protection and even if i have like now 100milion free money i'm not worried for them. I have my energy and it's enough to make a fortune. So mainly get TITLES cya.

  25. I understand what he is saying but I rarely ever fight and have never robbed anyone. I mainly do jobs. I am a level 26 Associate and I have been robbed blind lately. I have lost 100's of millions in 2 days. I have no defense against this. I took someones advice and sold my casinos, marinas and office buildings and bought value marts. I am going to see if this helps.

  26. anyone know what stats gives you higher rob defense/offense? it sucks that there's no such thing as critical in robbing so they're always successful in robbing you...

  27. 1. get a bigger family
    2. get better defensive weapons/armour/vehicles
    3. pump up ur defence. If all you do is pump you energy you're a sitting target.
    4. get all the freebies(collections).

    I have a few full set to give if you want any. I play on FaceBook.

  28. why people 37 mafias and low loot item can rob me 46 mafias
    but when i rob back i fail every time

    what is the calculate formula? and why he can success rob me?
    but i can't

  29. i love robbing. i'm robbing this guy for about the 30th time in 10 minutes right now, just waiting for more stamina so i can rob him again. he hitlisted me 6 times but i get 400k-700k for one rob so paying 60k for health is no big deal. its profitable. my advice is to not hitlist bc they can see who hitlist you on the home page and can save you to rob later. don't piss someone off or they WILL come back, even if its not profitable bc they want revenge. besides, when you make 28mil an hour, hitlisting is useless. then again, so is robbing but i do it anyway for revenge.

    my advice is to join a group like "mafia wars 5k". they have a mass email group that allows you to get a massive mafia with almost no effort. i went from 18 mafia to 185 in 5 days and these people are usually level 300+ with a few level 500s in there. the group gives +11% xp, -11% energy cost, +11 attack, +11 defense, +12% money from attacking, +15% money from jobs.

    the reason you can rob him is bc he has stronger mafia, better equipment, and higher stats. try pumping some stat points in defense and attack. energy only gets you so far. if you can use it up before you sleep and it doesn't fully recharge when you wake up then you have enough energy to stop pumping points into it and you should put points into other stats.

  30. try getting big mafia bc you can get those special items like bigg's rig and stuff. plus you can get the best ROI (return on interest) property that can't be robbed.

  31. I only rob low level properties to get XP. This keeps my health down & less repair time. I also have 1000+ on all my properties so that anyone robbing me may get a little reward for finding me & robbing me back. I dont care about the money or the health, I just like to level.

  32. join my mafia...

  33. I love robbing people in Mafia Wars! It's one of the better features. Keeps you interacting with others to!

    Ps: Check out the new Mafia Wars Guide

  34. Only High level characters benefit from this update. It is an unfair perk designed by the programmers to slowly weed out new players by making it financially impossible to level while at the same time turning it into a turkey shoot for all the old timers. This also gives them a chance to get more servers online to minimize lag. If you are upset about the upgrade oh well. Nobody cares anymore now that the game has gone viral. All said and done Mafia Wars is a social project gone commercial. Please don't go out and kill anyone because you feel that the game dynamics are unfair. It's just a game.

  35. i get attacked by the same person every day. i have been robbed about 70 times today bu the same person called dd. it wipes me out. my income was over5m an hour but no more. they take it. i can attack them and win or place a bpunty but that takes more money. i am leaving the game. i did love it but someone should not be allowed to rob you over and over, 25 times within 2-3 min

  36. Robbing doesn't suck. It's only a game... just like fighting and killing (in the game) is fair play also. Very Good Video... even though I'm already a pro at this game at level 280. I only rob if someone has ticked me off or added me to the hitlist for no reason:-)

  37. I'm level 104. I don't have the option to rob and I've never been robbed. I don't know if this is a glitch, but it's really awesome! I have the facebooks Mafia Wars.

  38. I am at level 100 and I don't have the option to rob properties anymore. I also haven't had my properties robbed in months. Is this a glitch? I noticed recently that a friend has a different setup than I do and doesnt have the properties tab on top. Does any of this make sense?

  39. Mafia Wars took out the robbing and property feature for about a month . Those who joined during that time like myself can't buy property and can't rob those who do. It has its advantages, but I would have loved that feature instead of only being able to attack people! plus on the stat board successful heists for me will always be at 0

    Feel free to add me, I'm at level 591

  40. i really love to rob coz i can get more money than just b attacking... ;) I love Mafia wars! :)
    April 17, 2009 12:08 PM
    Anonymous said...

    This feature of the game although on roughly the right track is crap. How many times would a thief return to the scene of a crime? In real life hes gone, if he tries the same thing a second time he runs a high risk of being caught.

    There needs to be a way of introducing a fair rewards vs punishment system for robbing. A system that rewards the risk taken (i.e. attacking a lower level player vs a higher level player) vs punishment (i.e. simultaneously using Stamina and Energy or introduce a system where you can rob a player up to 5 times and then the police arrest you). I'm level 12 and am being robbed blind by a level 118. Whats their risk vs reward... No risk for them and he gets all my cash and earns experience points.

    As for defending against robbing the little property shields i keep reading about are BS, I'm level 12 and can't add the shields yet so I am wide open! What I'd suggest is that there is a way of protecting your properties through bribing of police. The more cops you bribe the earlier they react. i.e. If you bribe 1 cop they reacyt after the 4th robbery, if you bribe 3 they react after 2 robberies, but the guy robbing you can't know so it adds to his risk.

    Finally, if I can't rob someone they shouldn't be allowed to rob me, if the feature is turned on at level 15, you should only be allowed to be robed after level 15 such that you can put your defensive measures in place.

  41. I am a level 703 as of today - who wants to give me there link i got over 1000 stamina i can take on all of you if you want?

  42. my current level is 695 and i will help anyone if they need help - anyone over robbing you send there link to me i will see to it that they learn thee lesson real good - mafia over 5000 strong can easy get 500 - 600 people robbing them at any one time - all the bullies will stop playing by the time that we are through with them

    just comment leave a comment to my email with a bullies link and proof that they have robbed you 40+ times in 1 day or come back for a second day in a row and i will see to it that they stop playing the game full stop

  43. oh and to the level 703 guy with 1000 stamina do you still want my link

    my friend is over 5000 levels high and will see to it him self that you walk out of the game as well

  44. i cant see my propeties when i click on the properites tab in "New york" please help

  45. I can bring up another person's profile, and then click to rob them. I see the properties, but when I click on the rob button - nothing happens!! Why is that? I have over 300 of Stamina and energy. My health is in the 300's also. They can rob me, but I cannot rob them!! Flash is all updated. I have more than 10 GB of RAM freed up? Can someone shed some light on this? THanks! Cheryl
