Friday, June 19, 2009

Facebook MafiaWars Cuba Travel Brochure

You must reach the rank of Consigliere (level 35) before the Godfather will authorize any travel to Cuba.

Mafia Wars: Cuba opens up a wealth of new opportunities for players level 35 and above, including:

* More than 40 additional jobs to master
* 52 brand new weapons, armor, and vehicles
* 4 businesses that can be purchased and upgraded
* Much, much more
The challenges in Cuba may be greater than those you face in New York, but so are the rewards. Reach level 35 to unlock Cuba and claim your piece of the island!

Get New Facebook MafiaWars Cuba items.
Do more jobs in Cuba.
Establish new business in Facebook MafiaWars: Cuba


  1. Nicely written guide around here...did you ever heard about this guide called Dominate Mafia Wars you could get some ideas with it for writing more topics about mafia wars.

  2. Help me. I can not leave Cuba. Displays error every time.
