Friday, March 27, 2009

Facebook MafiaWars Game Updates March 26

Facebook MafiaWars Game Updates March 26 2009

Game Updates - We have made a number of small changes to help improve the gameplay.

* We removed the current daily bonus in order to address game balance issues. We are currently working on a new bonus system, please stay tuned.

* We replaced the old mafia news section with the current news section in the hopes of improving usability.

* We corrected an issue that caused some browsers to crash when viewing the Top Families.


  1. Hey, Since doing the recent update, I have had problems accessing the mafia wars game on my brand new windows vista platform laptop. Before doing this update mafia wars worked perfectly on my laptop. however, since doing the update, i open mafia wars on my laptop through facebook and all it seems to do is redirect constantly over and over again. i left it redirecting one day for 2 hours to see if it made any difference or to see if it actually loaded but to no prevail! Can you please help!

  2. Is this why the bonuses for mastermind and wheelman have decreased?

  3. removed the current daily bonus. is this the energy pack, I havent gotten one in a week now. My friends have been sending them to me, havent gotten them to use. When I send it to them I get a message saying there sent.
